Forces Family Support Feedback & Complaints Procedure
We are committed to giving you the best service we can. But there may be a time you need to complain about a service we have provided, or about a member of charity staff or someone acting on behalf of the charity.
This complaints procedure is for:
• People who have used our services and are not happy
• People who feel they have not received a service that we said we would provide
• People who are unhappy about the attitude of or treatment by a member of Addiction Family Support staff
• People who are unhappy about an aspect of our fundraising activities
We will make sure that your complaint is:
• Treated seriously
• Handled fairly without bias or discrimination
• Treated confidentially
You should complain within three months of the event or outcome that you are complaining about. You need to tell us:
• What you think went wrong
• What you think we should do to put it right
• Your name and contact details if you wish to receive feedback
When someone else complains on your behalf, we need written confirmation from you saying that you agree for them to do so.
Contact the Chief Executive Officer by emailing [email protected] or by writing to Addiction Family Support’s head office (Oakley Hall, 8 Castle Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6RF) to complain.
What happens next
At first, receipt of your complaint will be acknowledged in writing, either by email or letter, within one week. Then, someone who has not been involved with your consultation will look fairly at your case. Where possible they will be at a more senior level than the individual you may be complaining about.
We consider:
• Complaints about the standard of service experienced
• Complaints about the action/s or inaction of an employee or volunteer or someone acting on behalf of the charity
• Your dissatisfaction with a course of action within a consultation which Addiction Family Support has carried out
• Your dissatisfaction as a result of a consultation which Addiction Family Support has carried out
The reviewer will look into your complaint and will aim to respond to you within 30 working days. They will tell you the conclusions from their review and the reasons for the outcome.
If you are not satisfied
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the first review, you have one month to ask for your complaint to be reviewed by a more senior member of Addiction Family Support staff. They will look at how the first review was handled, specifically if it:
• Addressed the issues of your complaint
• Fixed any shortfalls in our service
• Conveyed the outcome clearly
• Was thorough and fair
They will aim to let you know the outcome within 30 working days. This will be our final response to your complaint.
Taking it further
If you remain dissatisfied, you may wish to consider contacting the Charity Commission if you are unhappy about how Addiction Family Support deals with your complaint –
Or you may wish to contact the Fundraising Regulator if your complaint concerns the charity’s fundraising activities –